I never imagined I’d be in this situation, but here I am, faced with a daunting choice. My husband, Danny, a dedicated father and successful businessman, has always provided for our family. He spends long hours at work, which has allowed me to stay home with our five wonderful daughters. However, lately, his dream of having a son has turned into an ultimatum.
One night, after dinner, Danny made his demand clear. “Lisa, we NEED to have a sixth child,” he said, his tone cold and serious.
“Danny, we already have five daughters. Do you want me to keep having babies until we get a son?” I asked, feeling the pressure rise.
“But aren’t children a blessing? Is it really that hard?” His words were harsh. This argument felt different—like an ultimatum. He even hinted at divorce if I didn’t give him a son. “Are you saying you’d leave me if I don’t have a son?” I asked, trembling.
“I didn’t say that,” he replied, avoiding eye contact. But the implication was clear: he was willing to consider divorce if I didn’t comply with his wishes. We went to bed, our argument unresolved.
That night, I lay awake, contemplating how dismissive he was of our life together. Our daughters are amazing, and I couldn’t imagine our family any other way. I needed him to understand what raising five children alone would mean. I decided to show him, in a way that would make him truly appreciate what he was asking
The next morning, I woke up early, packed a bag, and drove to my late mother’s country house. I turned off my phone and ignored all his calls and texts. I watched the chaos unfold at home through our surveillance cameras.
Danny woke up, got ready for work, and was immediately thrown into disarray by our children. When he realized I wasn’t home, he tried to manage everything on his own. He struggled with breakfast, burnt toast, spilled orange juice, and overwhelmed kids who refused to get dressed.
He attempted to make pancakes and scrambled eggs, but the children’s demands for different foods left him exasperated. The house turned into a mess, and he was overwhelmed with the chaos of managing online school and endless snack requests.
Throughout the day, Danny looked more and more frazzled. He even forgot to report himself absent from work, and the house was in disarray. By the evening, he was at his breaking point. The girls wanted to play dress-up, and he ended up in a tiara and feather boa, much to their delight.
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