My Husband Insisted I Stay Home with Our Ill Children While He Vacationed — He’ll Always Remember the Lesson I Gave Him

When our kids fell ill and couldn’t go on our planned family vacation, my husband just ditched us and went alone. What he didn’t know was that his little “me time” getaway would cost him way more than he bargained for.

I trudged through the front door at 8:30 p.m., my feet throbbing after a grueling twelve-hour shift at the hospital. The cacophony hit me like a wall: cartoons blaring from the TV, Zach and Penny shrieking as they chased each other around the living room.

And there was Garrett, sprawled on the couch like a beached whale, beer in hand.

“Hey, babe,” he called out, not bothering to look up from his phone. “Rough day?”

I bit back a sarcastic reply. “You could say that. The ER was a madhouse.” I glanced at the disaster zone of toys and snack wrappers surrounding him. “Did you feed the kids dinner?”

Garrett shrugged. “They had some chips earlier. I figured you’d want to cook when you got home.”

I closed my eyes, counting to ten. This had become our new normal over the past few years. I’d come home from saving lives to find a house in chaos and a husband who couldn’t be bothered to lift a finger.

“Mommy!” Penny latched onto my leg, her blonde pigtails askew. “I’m starving!”

I forced a smile. “Okay, sweetie. Let’s get you both some real food.”

As I reheated leftovers, my mind drifted to our upcoming beach vacation. Maybe a change of scenery would help us reconnect, remind Garrett why we fell in love in the first place.

“So, you packed for the trip yet?” I asked, setting plates in front of the kids.

Garrett grunted. “Nah, I’ll throw some stuff in a bag tomorrow. No big deal.”

I sighed. “We leave in two days, Garrett. A little planning wouldn’t kill you.”

He rolled his eyes. “Relax, it’ll be fine. You worry too much.”

The night before our flight, I woke to the sound of retching. Zach was hunched over the toilet, his face pale and clammy. Within an hour, Penny was sick too.

I gently broke the news to Garrett over breakfast. “We’ll have to postpone the trip. The kids have a nasty stomach bug.”

He froze, fork halfway to his mouth. “What? No way. I’ve been looking forward to this for months!”

“I know, but they’re too sick to travel. We can reschedule”

Garrett’s jaw clenched. “I’m still going.”

I stared at him, sure I’d misheard. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me. I need this break, Nora. Work’s been insane lately.”

“And my job isn’t?” I snapped. “I’m a nurse, Garrett. I deal with real emergencies every day.

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